Baking Soda Viral Weight Loss Hack: Is It Safe?

Social media is big on baking soda.

TikTok is full of people who claim that adding a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water — also known as a “soda load” — can reduce acid reflux, improve stamina, stave off kidney disease, and even help those hoping to lose weight.

But does it work, and more importantly, is it safe?

What’s all the fuss about “soda loading”? Victor –

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is an alkaline chemical compound composed of sodium, hydrogen, carbon and oxygen. BBaking soda is also used as a cleaning product, a deodorizer, and an antacid ingredient in recipes from bread to mountain wine.

While TikTokkers celebrate soda, experts warn that high doses can pose serious health risks.

For starters, it’s loaded with sodium. According to the American Heart Association, the daily amount of sodium should ideally not exceed 2,300 mg, and a teaspoon of baking soda contains 1,200.

In terms of acidity and alkalinity, anything with a pH of 7 to 8 is neutral, anything less is acidic, and anything more is considered alkaline or basic.

Excessive consumption of baking soda can cause metabolic alkalosis. Choi_ Nikolai –

Baking soda has an alkaline pH of approximately 8.3. Excessive consumption can cause metabolic alkalosis, where the body’s pH is greater than 7.45. Alkalosis can damage the heart and decrease blood flow to the brain and oxygen flow to body tissues.

Loading up on fitness soda?

Baking soda can help athletes run harder and longer. Cavan for Adobe –

Known as the “soda load,” many acolytes claim that a scoop of the white stuff powers them through their workouts, and science suggests they may be on to something.

According to a 2021 research review by the International Association of Sports Nutrition, consuming baking soda before exercise improved performance in high-intensity activities for up to 12 minutes. A separate study found that those who consumed baking soda before sweat sessions could do more repetitions with less fatigue.

The effectiveness of baking soda as a pre-workout booster varies from person to person. you –

Chris Mohr, PhD, RD, a fitness and nutrition advisor at Fortune Recommends Health tells Healthline, “Baking soda can help athletes by reducing acid build-up during intense exercise, which can improve performance. Its effectiveness varies from person to person, and too much can cause serious GI distress, so it’s important to consult a qualified sports nutritionist before considering it.

Baking soda for stomach ache

Baking soda is an active ingredient in many antacids and is known to help relieve indigestion.

Baking soda can help relieve heartburn by reducing stomach acid levels Creative-Touch –

A 2022 review by Trusted Source found that baking soda can help relieve heartburn by reducing stomach acid levels. However, experts say the quick fix should not be used regularly.

Dr. Christie Youssef, a family physician, tells Wtop News, “You don’t want to make your stomach too alkaline. Stomach acid used for protection and digestion will not have the same function and you run the risk of stomach upset, nausea, vomiting and in some cases, diarrhea.

Weight loss

When it comes to weight loss, baking soda is a bad idea. Dmytro Flisak –

While many social media users have extolled the benefits of baking soda to help with weight loss, experts say there is no evidence to support the claim.

The aforementioned abdominal discomfort, cited as a potential appetite suppressant, is known to be the only possible link between baking soda and weight loss, making loading up on soda a dangerous, painful, and unsustainable approach to lost the kilos.

Baking soda and kidney disease

While baking soda can slow the progression of kidney disease, it cannot prevent it. success photo –

Among the kidneys’ many functions is maintaining the body’s pH levels, and a 2021 study found evidence to suggest that baking soda may slow the progression of chronic kidney disease.

Dr. Paul O’Connor, professor of physiology at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University in Georgia, tells CNN, “In people with chronic kidney disease, the organs don’t work well enough to get rid of enough acid each day, resulting in blood more acid. Clinically, what we’ve done is give these people bicarbonate supplements to basically offset the acid load and help give the kidneys less acid to get rid of. Being too (acidic) can cause bone and mineral loss, muscle loss, and several other problematic things.”

While baking soda has benefits, experts stress the importance of consulting a health care professional before incorporating it into your wellness routine. gv image –

A study published August 5 in the American Journal of Medicine found that daily doses of bicarbonate supplements were associated with slower progression of kidney disease over five years.

However, no evidence suggests that baking soda can prevent kidney disease. Experts stress the importance of discussing baking soda water and any other health hacks with a health care professional.

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